Slide Show 1: Youth
Ocean City, NJ (1920-1937)

Philadelphia, PA (1937-1941)
Mother, Dana Vickers, Lillian, and sister, Dana Fekel, on the boardwalk in Ocean City, New Jersey.  In June 1921, Lillian was 11 months old. Early picture of Lillian. Lillian and Dana. Lillian's K  ★ R doll in clothes with fur trim made by her mother, Dana. Lillian became expert herself at the fine work required to sew doll clothes as this hat and dress that she made for Lia's doll shows. Mother with Dana

Lillian's father, William Milton Springer, at his desk. The Knights of Columbus House. The Knights of Columbus House, interior. Lillian, left, and her sister Dana. Lillian and Dana. Dana Fekel. Lillian, left, and Dana. The Dana Pastry Shop on 8th Street in Ocean City, New Jersey.  It was the former Sentinel Ledger Building. Lillian's mother's recipe book, illustrated by Dana Fekel.  At right, the recipe for Cinnamon loaf, a favorite.

See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil...or maybe a little chat.  Left to right: Lillian's cousin, Ruth; sister, Dana; and Lillian. Lillian on an outing with Dana to paint outdoors. They took the car which they named the 'struggle buggy.' At left, the 'struggle buggy.' At right, Dana inside the car on their painting outing. Left to right: Lillian; her stepfather, Leo Vickers; her mother, Dana Vickers; and her sister, Dana Fekel in Ocean City, NJ. Lillian at her high school graduation. Lillian's sister, Dana; cousin, Ruth; and Lillian outside of the building in Philadelphia where the sisters stayed while in art school. Lillian, on far left, drawing with her class in art school. Lillian, left, and Dana in a pose similar to those they used in the Museum School's fashion shows. Lillian's photograph in her Philadelphia Museum School yearbook.

Slide Show 2: Portfolio

Art, Design, and Press
Watercolor on paper. Painted 1940 by Lillian Joseph while at the Philadelphia Museum School. Watercolor on paper. Painted 1944 by Lillian Joseph. Lillian in her painting smock at the shore. Lillian's design in Vogue 1951. After she left her first job at Laros, she continued to do freelance work for them. Lillian's designs for Tabarin in the N.Y. Times 10/28/51. Lillian's design in the N.Y. Times 12/2/51.
Lillian's design for Koroseal. N. Y. Sun 4/1/46 Another rainwear design for Koroseal. This photograph of Lillian's drawings appeared in an article she wrote about her design process.  The full text of another article she wrote about her process appears in the 'Documents' section of this website. Lillian said that this 'strawberries in the snow' design was very successful.  New Yorker c. 1952. Lillian was featured in Women's Wear Daily on 1/4/51.  She used the professional name 'Maria Joseph' after she married in 1946.  The full text of the article appears in the 'Documents' section of this website. Lillian in her workroom on 53rd Street in New York City. In the 53rd Street workroom, Lillian, left, and her seamstress, Tillie, who became a good friend. Lillian, right, with a sample in her workroom. Design using Dupont's Textron. Her work was chosen for a Dupont show.
Lillian's design is on the left.  Women's Wear Daily 2/13/52. A Women's Wear Daily article features Lillian's design on the left. 1/8/53. Lillian, kneeling, appears finishing June Lockhart's hem in this cover for 'The Exhibitor.' Lillian, upper left in feathered hat, brought her sample designs for a guest lecture at an art school. 'Faerie Tales by Maria Joseph' for Fairy Silk Mills.  Women's Wear Daily 11/18/54. B. Altman ad featuring a 'scalloped petticoat' by Maria Joseph for Laros. N.Y. Herald Tribune 1959. A Lingerie Merchandising article reports that Lillian's work for Gilead/United Mills won the Schiffli award on 11/17/57.  Gilead advertised the achievement in Women's Wear Daily and other publications. From Lillian's antique textile collection, top to bottom: Duchesse embroidery, Brussels bobbin and needle lace, and Duchesse needle lace. The dress on the upper left from Lillian's antique textile collection provided inspiration for her design on the lower right.  The full text of this article that she wrote for Lingerie Merchandising appears in the 'Documents' section of the website.
Slide Show 3: Adulthood
New York City (1943-1962)
N.J. and Pa. (1962-2009)
Stanley and Lillian. New York 1946. Mother-in-law, Bertha; brother-in-law, Jerry; and Lillian in New York City. Stanley and Lillian. Lillian always loved cats. Lillian in Central Park with her son Jonathan in the stroller. New York City 1951. Stanley and Lillian arriving in Florida to visit her mother Dana Vickers and stepfather Leo Vickers.
Lillian's good friend and seamstress, Tillie, holds Jonathan. Lillian with her son Jonathan. Lillian holding her son Mark. Lillian. Lillian and Stanley with their sons Mark,left, and Jonathan. Lillian and Jonathan in front of their house in Riverdale. Sister, Dana; son, Jonathan; Lillian; and father, William Milton Springer. Lillian with her sons: Mark, left, and Jonathan. Lillian with her sons: Mark, left, and Jonathan.
Lillian with her son Jonathan at his graduation from Bridgeton High School in New Jersey. Lillian with her son Mark. Mother, Dana Vickers; niece, Dana Gayner; and Lillian. Mother, Dana Vickers; niece, Dana Gayner; and Lillian. Sister, Dana Fekel; Lillian; niece, Dana Gayer; and grandniece, Dana Mae. (L. to r., photo by Mike Gayner.) Son, Jonathan; Lillian with grandson, Ben; and son, Mark(L. to r., photo by Mike Gayner.) Lillian with her grandchildren, Joshua and Rachael. Lillian with Avlee's dog.  Avlee was a lifelong friend and faithful correspondent. Tillie's daughter, Anna, left, with Lillian and her grandson, Joshua.
Lillian in period costume at the Museum of American Glass. Lillian and Dana's families hold a cousins party each year. Pictured is the 1989 gathering.  Back row (l. to r.): Fran, Lillian, Lowell, Jonathan. Middle row (l. to r.): Cathy, Rachael, Chad, Abby, Ben, Lia, and Dana. Front row: Mark, Joshua, Dana Mae, Julia, Dana, and Kim. Lillian and her daughter-in-law, Lia, had a business selling antique textiles together.  Here, she and Lia are selling at the Black Angus Antiques Market.  Her grandchildren, Ben and Abby, are set up in the next booth. Lia's mother, Shirley, is in the background with Ben. Lillian with her grandchildren: Rachael and Joshua. The 1993 cousins party. Back row: Fran, Mike, Abby, Rich, Ben, Jonathan, Lillian, Dana, Mark, and Chad.  Middle row: Lia, Cathy, Yolene, Dana, and Kim.  Front row: Joshua, Rachael, Jocelyn, David, Dana Mae, and Julia. Granddaughter, Rachael; and grandson, Joshua. The 2007 cousins party. Jim Ziegler, Dana Mae Gayner, Jocelyn Fekel, David Fekel, Abby Joseph, Ben Joseph, and Julia Fekel. (L. to R.) The 2006 cousins party. Back row (L. to R.): Fran Fekel, Richard Fekel, and Jonathan Joseph. Middle row (L. to R.): Yolene Fekel, Lillian Joseph, Dana Gayner, Lia Joseph, and Mark Joseph.  Front row: Dana Fekel. Lillian.
© Abigail Joseph 2009